Meat Myths Busted

Meat Myths Busted

Meat Myths Busted 150 150 nykkihardin

Three BIG Meat Myths BUSTED

I am out in the field talking with people all the time about health, nutrition and the mind-body connection and I am consistently presented with the same questions over and over as they relate to meat.

There are SO many misconceptions when it comes to eating meat, and I want to take the time to clear up a few.

I want to be really clear here – I am not saying that eating meat is bad, or that eating plant based is the only way.  I do not believe in a one sized fits all approach to diet.

I simply want to open your eyes to some of the myths and misbeliefs you might have about food.

HUGE MEAT MYTH #1:  If I don’t eat meat, I will not get enough protein.

The answer to this questions could be a book in and of itself, but I am going to give you the cliff notes so you can understand.

For starters, lets go back to high school science class when we learned that protein is actually made of amino acids.  Let me repeat that, protein is made of amino acids, which are found in all foods including vegetables, nuts, seeds, beans, grains, etc.  Protein is not made of meat.  These amino acids come together in unique combinations to form protein.

Let’s back up one step.  We were all brain washed to look at food like calories, fat, protein and carbs. But our body interprets food as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes and fatty acids.  These nutrients are what make our metabolic reactions to take place – which is what allows for the body to function.

Of these amino acids, the building blocks of protein, nine are essential because the body cannot create them.  The others the body will create in the metabolic process.  When you eat a plant based diet, the nutrients in the food can and will combine to form complete proteins.  Also, there are foods like quinoa, technically a seed, that are already a complete protein.

It is so important to look at our conditioning – how did you come to believe you have to eat meat in order to get enough protein?  Why is it you think you have to have a “protein” shake for breakfast in order to survive?

The real question is – How is it that there are numerous professional athletes performing incredible feats daily that are vegan and THRIVING? 

If you look at the agricultural industry of our country, and then at the marketing of our consumer products, perhaps there might be a correlation between the information we are being fed, the beliefs we are forming, the foods we are eating and the profits of large corporations.  Just food for thought – no pun intended.

So can you eat plant based and still get enough protein? 

Absolutely!  Did you know that chlorella, for instance, has more protein per ounce than red meat?  AND it is loaded with b12, and healthy fatty acids, and a broad spectrum of nutrients, and it also binds with heavy metals and unwanted chemicals and pulls them thru the system.

This is just one example of a healthy swap, be sure to download my FREE guide to Healthy Eating Hacks.
I LOVE THIS SUPERFOOD.  That is why I started carrying it.  It is a critical supplement for everyone, and it is a great one for anyone switching to a plant based/vegan/veg diet.  I also decided to offer it because so many people do not have access to ORGANIC chlorella – which his vital – so I wanted to make sure to provide the best.

If you want to grab a 30 day supply of Organic Chlorella, you can pick it up here

For those of you that are considering a different approach to your diet that is lighter on the meat, to try running an experiment for 3 weeks and see how it goes.  Here are a few of the health benefits you might experience if you do switch to a plant based diet:

Weight loss
Reduced inflammation
Decreased cholesterol
Increase in healthy gut bacteria
A more positive, happy disposition

Okay, I am going to leave this with you for today.  In my next email, I will address the 2nd biggest meat myth that is consistently showing up in my conversations. 

If you are hoping to switch to a plant based diet and looking for some assistance, or if you are struggling to reach you health goals and feeling overwhelmed with all the conflicting information out there, please feel free to book a free 30 minute consultation and I will see what I can do to help!

Oh yeah, and do not forget to grab your chlorella – it is serious the most important thing you can add to your diet outside of our herb based multi-vitamin.



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