Posts Tagged :

colon cleanse

Are you attuned to the wisdom of your body? 1024 529 nykkihardin

Are you attuned to the wisdom of your body?

Your body, not your brain, is the most intelligent instrument you have, but making poor nutrition choices and drinking more than you know you should keep you living in a…

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The Best Herbs to Use For a Liver Cleanse 150 150 nykkihardin

The Best Herbs to Use For a Liver Cleanse

If you deal with stress and anxiety, if you desire to have more balance and stability in your mood, if you want to sleep peacefully and wake rested with energy…

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Read this if you want to avoid burnout 150 150 nykkihardin

Read this if you want to avoid burnout

Burnout is a chronic condition in our society. Typically it is accompanied by other emotions such as stress and anxiety, overwhelm, depression, and often self-sabotage behavior. It makes sense because…

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The 5 Best Herbs for a Colon Cleanse 150 150 nykkihardin

The 5 Best Herbs for a Colon Cleanse

According to the American Cancer Society, colon cancer is the third leading cause of cancer in the United States.  Some of the leading reasons are attributed to high meat consumption,…

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Why You Must Detox Your Liver and Your Colon at the Same Time 150 150 nykkihardin

Why You Must Detox Your Liver and Your Colon at the Same Time

One of the biggest mistakes I see people make is when they do a detox that only focuses on either the liver or the colon, rather than doing them both…

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Why Detox is the best kickstart to any healthy eating and workout plan. 150 150 nykkihardin

Why Detox is the best kickstart to any healthy eating and workout plan.

There are so many important reasons to detox it is hard to name them all. I am a science geek, athlete, yogi, entrepreneur who really loves to find ways to…

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How Perfection & Over-Correction Keep You Stuck and Miserable. 150 150 nykkihardin

How Perfection & Over-Correction Keep You Stuck and Miserable.

Do you struggle with perfectionism?  Do you hold yourself victim to “Over-Correction,” which is simply a pattern of unconscious protection. I am seeing these patterns A LOT in my Coaching practice…

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Coffee – Good or Bad? 150 150 nykkihardin

Coffee – Good or Bad?

Coffee might be one of the most addictive substances around.  Believe me, I know the craving and let me tell you, it is real. I, too, at several points in…

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Why I don’t believe in taking probiotics 150 150 nykkihardin

Why I don’t believe in taking probiotics

Yup, I said it. I won’t go near probiotics. It’s not that I don’t believe your body needs healthy bacteria, because I definitely do.  But I don’t believe that you…

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Feeling stuck and like you are not getting positive results? 150 150 nykkihardin

Feeling stuck and like you are not getting positive results?

“I feel stuck. No matter what I do, things aren’t changing or moving in my life.  I am burned out and exhausted and have tried everything.  On top of it, I haven’t…

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