Are you attuned to the wisdom of your body?

Are you attuned to the wisdom of your body?

Are you attuned to the wisdom of your body? 1024 529 nykkihardin

Your body, not your brain, is the most intelligent instrument you have, but making poor nutrition choices and drinking more than you know you should keep you living in a fog and separated from your innate GPS system.

Watch this video to learn how to align your body with nature and receive divinely guided inspiration so you are always exactly where you need to be and manifest incredible opportunity.

You were trained to think.

You were trained to value thinking and to follow what your brain is telling you. But your brain has been programmed with a lot of misinformation that is not actually coming from you or Source, but from society, your family and from the media.

In fact, it is more than likely you are rarely in touch with what your body is telling you when actually, your body is the most intelligent instrument you have.

When you are atuned to its wisdom and allowing it to lead you, you will find yourself divinely guided into beautiful synchronicities and divine manifestations.

But neglecting your nutrition, consistently stress or comfort eating, and drinking more than you know you should have much greater consequwnces than you know.

They become a marine layer that weighs in your consciousness and causes you more mental and emotional suffering than you are aware. It creates heaviness in your body, keeps you living in a fog which makes it challenging to make progress, and it keeps you from your light and your most authentic state of being.

THat’s where detox and my 21 Cleanse come in. What I LOVE about detox is that not only does it clear the congestion and the lingering marine layer, lifting the weight from your body, your brain, and from your heart, my 21 Cleanse also has a complete plant based nutrition program built into it.

It makes it a double whammy – you clear the fog AND you get to eat, so you kick start yourself in to a new way of being with a roadmap to eat better and put more attention on your wellness.

You don’t have to suffer, and consistently putting off eating healthy, or at least healthier, and cutting down on the drinking has much greater effects than you realize. Take the leap, make yourself a priority, and do what you need so you can feel good inside and out and channel that into all the things you want to do in your life.

When you do this, you will naturally become more connected to your body and what it is telling you on a moment to moment basis. When you listen to that, and then act upon it, you will begin to watch your life shift for the better in front of your very eyes.

If you need help with that, you can check out my 21 Cleanse HERE, or you can book a call with me and we can map out a plan for you. You can do that HERE.

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