What Western Medicine Won’t Tell You About Your Health

What Western Medicine Won’t Tell You About Your Health

What Western Medicine Won’t Tell You About Your Health 1024 576 nykkihardin

During the entire time of Covid, have you heard anything in the media  about how to strengthen your immune system and empower your body to stay strong and ward off dis-ease?

When you turn on the tv, so you ever see anything that encourages you to eat healthy, drink more purified water, get outside and exercise and get eight hours of sleep a night?

Nope. Instead, you are fed stories that you need a vaccine that has not been tested and is filled with a ton of toxic crap to protect you from the scary ailments that are going to attack you if you leave your house.

And then the commercials sell you pharmaceuticals to cure all those symptoms you’ve developed from sitting on your ass indoors eating twinkies and cheetos because they sold this to you too on their overpriced commercials.

And then you need something to help you sleep because your brain chemistry and hormones are so out of balance from all the nonnative blue light of the screens and light bulbs and all the emfs…..

Obvious I have very strong opinions here. And the biggest one is that your body is extremely intelligent and it has an innate energy and optimization that is at your fingertips to heal anything, any time. All you need to do is stay away from the quick fixes that are being shoved down your throat and create real change.

This video will help you understand how to turn your body into a self-healing machine that lives in peak performance.

Enjoy, and your welcome. Drop me a comment after you check it.

Here’s a little story for you –

I had a client come to me complaining about bloating, brain fog, not feeling well, and being in a cycle of making poor food choices. 

We put her on my 21 Cleanse and at the end she told me that before her cleanse she had a stool sample done by her doctor that showed a very rare bacteria growing in her gut. The doctor wanted to giver her three different kinds of antibiotics to “possibly” tackle the bacteria.

After she finished up the cleanse she went back to the same doctor, did another test, and the bacteria was gone.

These are the kinds of things that are possible with my 21 CLeanse. True health, miracles and blessings await you when you take the leap.

If you are interested in learning more about my 21 Cleanse you can check it out on my website or schedule a call with me so we can talk more.

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