There’s more to detox than just weight loss

There’s more to detox than just weight loss

There’s more to detox than just weight loss 1024 576 nykkihardin

Most people come to me asking for weight loss and to feel better in their body. They complain about their struggles with energy, anxiety, depression, brain fog, and their self image.

This always seems to be the “gateway” into cleansing. What usually ends up  happening at the end of their cleanse when we have our cleanse graduation call is that they rarely ever talk about the weight loss.

They always end up talking about how much truer they are being to themselves in all aspects of life, and how they are finally making self-honoring choices and do what is right for them.

Watch this video and learn how different your life can be when you get the crap out of your body, out of your mind, and out of your life, and when you finally say yes to you.

There is an entire spiritual component to detox, and a whole ocean of possibilities waiting for you. Full body detox shows what it’s like to empower yourself and fully commit to yourself. It allows you to truly live your highest path and fulfill your true purpose.

If this is something that resonates with you and you’re ready to fully commit to YOU then you can find me on my website and schedule a call so we can get a plan together for you!

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